Once in a while, there is a finished project you work on that is a fantastic journey until the end. Graphite Architects are a team-oriented, collaborative minded company in which I was honored to take this journey with them. We met, we brain-stormed, I drew sketches and we met again. The design and colors were set…like any job…they changed it and threw in another color! Green! Oh no! Will it work? I had no idea!
The painting started out great…until the green was added and then the war of colors began! The colors became their own personality…the gray wanting to be the stronghold of the buildings, the red representing a sign was the center of attention and the orange fought the red…but lost. Then there was that green…hmmmm...After many attempts and slamming down brushes I finally realized the green had to be next to the blue and not overtake center stage from the red!
It worked! The harmony of colors occurred…once they stopped fighting and like Graphite Architects…started to work together as a team. And that was cool…